Andrea Wiegand reveals her Digital Handshake and is asked to return to Chicago to speak on authenticity.


Andrea Wiegand agreed to speak at a firm wide symposium highlighting women in financial consulting. Her popular topic of, How to Own Your (Online) Personality, has her returning once again to share. These talks highlight the reveal of her newly released Digital Handshake (DH). “I’ve been working with Laura from Charming Studios for over 6 years. Digital Handshake is her latest creation and as an early adaptor I’m proud to say I’m sharing mine with you today.”

Andrea tells the DH team, “A previous firm meeting in Milwaukee had me questioning my methods before taking stage. My audience was slightly older men, and I was afraid my discussion on Facebook and Instagram would lack impact. To my shock, this talk received the most engagement of all of the speakers.”

“I believe Digital Handshake will help you be more authentic online, and the trickle down effect will forever change your business practice!”

We at Digital Handshake have been honored to take Andrea through our method. We believe her Digital Handshake holds the keys to unlocking authentic connections you’ve only dreamed of.


The Power of Authentic Connections: Finding Your True Self Through Your Values


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